43 booked meetings for a Web3 Software Development Agency

Over the course of 4 months our team has booked 43 meetings for a Web3 software provider, that resulted in near $800k of new project revenue.

About Client

We've partnered with a Delaware and Tokyo based Web3 software development agency that focuses on blockchain solutions and decentralized technologies. They offer outsourcing teams to companies globally and have assembled a talented group of over 200 developers specializing in web3 technologies.

They offer a complete out of the box product solutions, from product design to software implementation.

Company size
100-500 employees

Client's Challenges

Navigating a Crowded Arena: In a landscape saturated with software professionals, data experts, and enterprise service providers, distinguishing oneself at pre-sales level presents considerable hurdles.

Our client grappled with obstacles in identifying fresh leads and driving conversions.

3Tangents was entrusted with the mission to formulate an approach that could amplify the company's brand presence, enabling sustained business expansion in a highly competitive market.

Core Challenge
Gaining attention in an oversaturated market


Expanding ICPs:

While initial template variations reached high open rates, conversion rates didn't meet expectations. To address this, we broadened geolocation and Ideal Customer Profiles driving increased appointment rates. Additionally, personalized case studies, tailored to specific industries and titles (distribution chains, retail, privacy software platforms), significantly boosted appointment numbers in our follow-up emails.

Outbound Channels
Email, Linkedin, Content Engine



new meetings


in new revenue


CAC reduction


What we've delivered for our clients


in new revenue

with a 30-80% reduction in client acquisition costs.


booked meetings

over 140 companies

partnered with our sales teams to reach new business heights.

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